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Fibonacci sequence. Trading psychology and how to manage the risk. Introduction to Options. Admission Criteria and Eligibility:. Job Guarantee Adv. Line chart. Bar chart. Candlestick chart. Kagi chart.
NCFM Academy Hyderabad – Stock Market Trading
Renko chart. Market Risk measurement is highly quantitative in nature, and requires a strong foundation in mathematics and statistics. Apply for the IMS Program here and download the brochure for more information here. Apply here to enroll for the course and click here to access the brochure of the course. Investment Banking Operations — International. This course equips you with the necessary domain knowledge to interact with customers confidently and better understand their requirements. Skip to content The Advanced modules consists of 13 certifications 1.
Algorithmic Trading Module For understanding the importance and approach towards algorithmic trading. Financial Markets Advanced Module To understand and gain comprehensive and indepth knowledge about the financial markets.
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Securities Market Advanced Module To understand the role in mobilizing savings for investment in productive assets. Derivatives Advanced Module To understand the role and presence of derivatives in the overall financial sector strategy. The examination seeks to create a common minimum knowledge benchmark for associated persons functioning as approved users and sales personnel of the trading member of an equity derivatives exchange or equity derivative segment of a recognized stock exchange.
The examination aims to enable a better understanding of various derivatives products available in equity derivatives markets, regulations and risks associated with the products and the exchange mechanisms of clearing and settlement.
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The examination also covers knowledge competencies related to the understanding of the financial structure in India and the importance of the different rules and regulations governing the Indian securities market, especially those related to the equity derivatives segment. The book covers various aspects of capital market functions, the importance of the different rules and regulations governing the Indian securities market and the processes involved in various functions of registered Merchant Bankers and the regulatory environment in which it operates.
The book covers all important topics to enhance the quality of investment advisory and related services in the financial services industry. It covers topics related to the basics of investment advisory, steps in the advisory process, making and implementation of a financial plan and evaluation of different products.
This course teaches financial planning as an approach to investing, insurance, retirement planning and an aid for advisers to develop long term relationships with their clients. The book also discusses the concept of Income tax, and legalities of Estate planning in personal finance, and regulatory aspects underlying advisory. It covers topics related to the structure and performance of securities markets, importance of asset allocation and impact of the market movement on the assets performance.
Options Strategy NCFM Module
This course teaches practical aspect of product selection, portfolio construction, review and rebalancing based on clients need. The book also discusses the concept of compliance, operations and service elements in investment advice.

The book covers all important topics to impart basic knowledge of the Indian securities markets to the participants and the related rules and regulations. The book also covers the essential steps in financial planning process. NISM-Series-XI: Equity Sales Certification Examination seeks to create common minimum knowledge benchmark for all persons involved in the sale of equity products in order to enable a better understanding of equity markets, better quality investor service, operational process efficiency and risk controls.
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The book covers basics of the Indian equity markets, risk, return and taxation aspects of equity, clearing, settlement and risk management as well as the regulatory environment in which the equity markets operate in India. The book covers the various operations of stock brokers, regulatory framework under which the stock brokers perform their various activities and various compliance and reporting requirements from audit perspective.
The certification aims to enhance the quality of services provided by retirement adviser in the financial services industry. The examination aims to enable a better understanding of various derivatives products available in commodity derivatives markets, regulations and risks associated with the products and the exchange mechanisms of trading, clearing and settlement. The workbook is available for free download in pdf format after login. Version: September The NISM Financial Education Workbook covers key concepts in financial literacy, various investment options, savings and investment products, insurance and pension, retirement planning, stock market, caution against Ponzi schemes, tax savings options, investor protection and investor grievance redressal.
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