System 2 trading

That is why such sites exist and everyone proclaims that fundamental analysis is not worth it and we should only look at the price action. Thank you very much Rayner for all the facts you bring forward. You are absolutely true capital is the key to open all the gates. Getting the job is another issue in most places in this world. Once you are without a job, plans come to a standstill.

Your lessons are so motivational. This approach makes a lot of sense for younger, working age people, who have time to fortune build. Cheers, Keith. Hi Rayner, I have been following you for a while now and in all honesty I must say that to me you are one of a few people who teach tradingtechniques who seems cool and normal about the subject. You hand the information in a relaxed. That is what I was looking for. Coming to this system trading, this seems really interesting.

I am looking forward to your next. Will you also tell more about your premium training program, The Ultimate Systems Trader? Good post and all sensible and common sense although not common practice. Then you have to find a system to trade manually and use a gate system to scale up. Take half profits out and leave half in to give something for the bills and something to grow the account. And then eventually start to allocate capital to automated systems. I want to learn more can you also send me link and info on your premium training program, the Ultimate Systems Trader.

The World Trading System, Second Edition

Please continue.. Thanks for all you are doing. Already retired. I haveK in equity and need to recoup what my fund manager lost in I rely on social security and trading to pay the bills. Looking for a trading method s for a reliable source of income. I want to achieve a financial freedom so that I can stop working full time one day and just do trading from home not from work.

I just want a process or system that work.

I love you Rayner you are wonderful you always helping people with good advice, God will reward you. My goal is live off my trading income as i approach retirement age — am I thoroughly am grateful for the education and though i have been at this for 2 years have lots to learn and look forward to the next post on finding a system that works for me. I am on the verge of retirement and would like to live off trading thereafter.

I am interested in your systems trading which you just described. How ca I take advantage of it. My aim is to become financially independent through trading. I am 56 years old and my pension will not be sufficient to sustain my wife and I. So I need to learn the skills required to become a successful trader, to systematically build my account to a point where it will provide me with an additional income.

Since I have started following your posts, my attitude toward my trading has changed from trying to make quick money to systematically building wealth and I must say it is really starting to pay off! Hope to make a steady stream of monthly income and compound a portion of it to build wealth for philantrophy in the future years.

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Definitely interested in making consistent profits. Not to get rich quick stuff that everybody promotes. Thanks Rayner. Please log in again. The login page will open in a new tab. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. And the answer is…. Systems Trading. But first… what is Systems Trading?

Yup, you read right. Can you see how this is a game changer for you? A big difference. Let me explain: When you turn on a lightbulb… Do you need to know where the electricity comes from?

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Do you need to know what the filament is made of? Do you need to know who Thomas Edison is? Heck no. You just flipped on the switch and POOF — the light turns on! You just follow the rules and POOF — you have an edge in the markets! Next… Secret 2: How to beat the markets in less than 30minutes a day Now: When I mention Systems Trading, you might think its high-frequency trading like scalping on the 5-minute timeframes. And if you ask me, trading probably takes you less than half an hour. The best part? You profit from the financial markets and have the freedom to do the things you love.

Now… What do these traders have in common? They adopt a Systems Trading approach. Yes, you read me right. They execute trading systems which allowed them to amass huge fortunes in the markets. Become a systems trader and get a job. On its own, their trading results are decent with a few losing years in between.

Look at this next table below… Previously, you had losing years for both systems. But when you combined them together, you have 0 losing years. But one thing is certain is this… When you trade multiple trading systems, you improve your performance and reduce your risk. Pro Tip: For this to work, you must trade trading systems which have little-to-no correlation with one another.

Because trading multiple systems which are correlated will only amplify your risk. Probably not enough for you. You can use a portion of your income to increase the size of your trading account. Again, the same rules apply. Now, this looks much better. But is this the best you can do?

Leave a comment below and share your thoughts with me. Interesting Rayner. I have developed my own system and automated it to an EA. Thanks for sharing! So far your posts are improving my knowledge on financial markets. Thnkx alot.

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Eventually financial freedom. But in the short term supplemental income for my primary income. Well it is again up to you sis.

Don’t worry.

If you want a recommendation, drop me an email me and we can discuss it. You really teach well and have some great concepts on trading, thank you for your help. I realized as your net worth increases, the risk per trade gets easier to handle. I just want to become very good at trading, then all things will follow….. Systems trading has zero subjectivity. Great article, Rayner! Good points and helpful! Moe PS: Please do not get upset with my remarks.

Theory and Immediate Practice

Thank you for sharing your concern, Moe. But for now, I want to explain and teach the important concepts about trading.
